Do we think global society can avoid a collapse in this century?


Do we think global society can avoid a collapse in this century?

Humanity has the assets to get the job done, but the odds of avoiding collapse seem small because the risks are clearly not obvious to most people and the classic signs of impending collapse, especially diminishing returns to complexity, are everywhere


  • One central psychological barrier to taking dramatic action is the distribution of costs and benefits through time: the costs up front, the benefits accruing largely to unknown people in the future.

  • dealing with economic and racial inequities will be critically important in getting large numbers of people from culturally diverse groups to focus their minds on solving the human predicament

  • the loose network of agreements that now tie countries together, developed in a relatively recent stage of cultural evolution since modern nation states appeared, is utterly inadequate to grapple with the human predicament

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The article "Is Global Collapse Imminent?" by Paul and Anne Ehrlich highlights the risks humanity faces in avoiding collapse. While humanity has the resources and capabilities to get the job done, the odds of avoiding collapse are small due to the lack of awareness among most people regarding the risks and the signs of impending collapse. One major psychological barrier to taking drastic action is the distribution of costs and benefits through time. The costs are borne upfront, while the benefits largely accrue to unknown people in the future.

Moreover, dealing with economic and racial inequalities is essential in getting people from diverse cultures and backgrounds to focus on solving the human predicament. The current loose network of agreements that ties countries together is inadequate to tackle the human predicament. As such, it is critical that nations work together and take collective action to address the underlying issues that threaten the planet's sustainability.

The article's message is clear: we must act now to avert the risk of global collapse. Humanity must come together to address the root causes of the problem and take steps to ensure a sustainable future. Through collaborative efforts and a shared commitment to change, we can create a better world for ourselves and future generations.

#Total system collapse #Climate change