Physicists predict Earth will become a chaotic world, with dire consequences
Humans aren't just making Earth warmer, they are making the climate chaotic, a stark new study suggests.
Earth periodically experiences massive changes in climate patterns, going from one stable equilibrium to another.
When the climate goes through a phase transition, this means that Earth is experiencing a sudden and rapid change in patterns.
If human activity is driving a phase transition in Earth's climate, that means we are causing the planet to develop a new set of weather patterns
The researchers explored different ways that the human logistic map could evolve, depending on a variety of factors like our population, introduction of carbon reduction strategies and better, more efficient technologies.
But in the worst cases, the researchers found that Earth's climate leads to chaos. True, mathematical chaos. In a chaotic system, there is no equilibrium and no repeatable patterns.
Most concerning, the researchers found that above a certain critical threshold temperature for Earth's atmosphere, a feedback cycle can kick in where a chaotic result would become unavoidable.