Is it democratic to always vote for the same party ?


Is it democratic to always vote for the same party ?

Does it enhance or degrade a society if a large number of people always vote for one political party ?

If you vote red or blue in every election, does that mean you don't care what policies they espouse ? Is it like supporting a football team in that you feel that the long term loyalty is a vital part of you self and will be until the day you die. If they change the kit and move to a new ground, does that mean you still have to vote for them ? If they sack the coach and replace all the players does that mean you still have to vote for them ?

How has South Africa faired since the end of apartheid ? Understandably black voters wanted to vote for the ANC in the first elections following the end of apartheid. I was a joyous and wonderful new freedom and reflected huge hope for a better future in which they could participate for the first time. Does it still make sense to vote for the ANC ? Every time ?

Does long term loyalty to a particular party destroy the basic foundations of democracy ?

#Democracy #Vote #Tribal