Mojolicious render_to_string
The render_to_string documentation makes it look straightforward to use but I found a number of potential gotchas. So I thought I'd outline them for others.
I've used the standard application generated by ...
mojo generate app MyApp
... then added a new route to ...
$r->get('/test')->to(controller => 'Example', action => 'test');
... and added the associated template in templates/example/test.html.ep ...
%== $something
... and added the render_to_string code to the example controller ...
package MyApp::Controller::Example;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller', -signatures;
sub welcome ($self) {
# have to provide everything subroutine test does as it's not called
$self->stash(something => 'something');
# or call it yourself before render_to_string is used
# also render to string does not use the routes so you have to specify the template location fully
my $output = $self->render_to_string('example/test');
# but it does seem to work after all that
$self->stash(test_output => $output);
# Render template "example/welcome.html.ep" with message
$self->render(msg => 'Welcome to the Mojolicious real-time web framework!');
sub test ($self)
my $something = 'what now';
$self->stash(something => $something);
So the key points from the code are ...
The controller routine that is called when you go to /test is NOT called when you use render_to_string
The first parameter render_to_string is not a URL so in this case using 'test' will not work. It is a route to the template to be used and so has to be 'example/test'
You have to provide all the expected variables used in the template either by calling the controller yourself or by setting the variables that will be used by the template.